Please don't be mistaken.

This is a blog where I spout lousy poetry and speak in Morse Codes. And I don't update this blog often. If you're not interested in my ramblings please, please I say, close it.

But everyone is welcome to it.

P/s: The thick thick wall of a writer's block has disintegrated.
So I'm back! Woohoo~

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sweet Serendipity ♥

And I’m doing just fine
I’m always landing on my feet
In the nic of time
And by the skin of my teeth
I ain’t gonna stress
Cause the worst ain’t happened yet
Somethings watching over me
Like Sweet Serendipity
Sweet Serendipity

All credits go to Lee Dewyze :)

Sweet serendipity

I'm alive because I'm living,

I'm alive because I've found the reason to exist,

Now nothing nor nobody can take away this desire to live.

I dunno what's up with me putting that photo here.

That plate of spaghetti was my breakfast.
