I'm waiting...
waiting along the abandoned railway track
waiting for what, I do not know
perhaps I'm just standing there
hoping that time will take me away
far from this harsh cruel reality
I'm sitting on the platform
humming the tune of an ancient lullaby
I have long forgotten the words
only the sweet, eerie melody remains
sometimes haunting me
chilling me to the bone
I close my eyes
hypnotizing myself with my own voice
indulging myself into nightmares of the past
when I reopen my swollen eyes
I find myself staring at shadows of the past
people from another time
Strangers in long fur coats
walking, strolling, talking, staring...
none of them spared an eye for me
just staring through me, icily
As if I wasn't there
Was I?
I hear the noise of a locomotive
advancing towards the station
I see the white smoke unfolding itself from the exhaust
curling itself to form a white flag for the locomotive
The vision seemed so real
so close to the reality I had learned to hate
But everything in it was mute and numb
no one showed emotions
nor did I see any
When I rubbed my eyes
slowly, those ghostly figures disappeared
Swallowed up again by time
Was that my imagination?
Or did it really happen?
I ask myself.
And again
I'm left alone with my own fears and tears
I ask myself again...
What am I waiting for?
Comments, yes? :)
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